As Africa lifts her voice for Peace; we, as PROCMURA and individuals, are standing for Peace in the various nations across our beautiful continent. We call on all Faith Actors and other stakeholders throughout the continent to stand for Peace, for only peace can bring us sustainable development.
We understand that many conflicts continue to plague Africa, but that is why we need to pursue every avenue that will bring us peace. We must remain optimistic that something great can come from Africa.
It is also important to mention that no Faith can survive under compulsion, so let all Faith Leaders in Africa reach out to one another and wish each other “Peace be to you”. That Peace we wish unto one another we shall receive. If you are a Christian, be able to say to others who are not Christian, “Peace be to you and your Family”. If you are a Muslim, be able to say to others who are not Muslim, “Peace be to you and your Family”. If you are a traditionalist, be able to say to others who are not, “Peace be to you and your Family”.
Africa is our home to all of us, and as we celebrate this year’s International Day of Peace, say “peace be to you” to anyone around you today. Africa should lead the whole world in receiving Peace. Thank you, and May the Peace that comes from above cover all of us.
Message of PEACE from Liberia/Africa.
Rev. St John York
Area Advisor, PROCMURA/PRICA - Liberia.