
The Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA) is the one and only pan African Christian organisation with a specific focus on Christians’ constructive relations with Muslims in witness and for peace and peaceful co-existence. Founded in 1959 PROCMURA’s constituencies are made up of Protestant, Anglican, Orthodox, Evangelicals and African Instituted (Independent) Churches. It does have Catholics in its constituencies some of who have served in various capacities within the PROCMURA family. The Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa is currently well established in 20 countries in East, West, Central and Southern Africa and operates in ten more countries where it is not yet well established.

Vision Statement

A continent where Christian and Muslim communities in spite of their differences, work together for justice, peace and reconciliation, towards the holistic development of the human family and the environment.

Mission Statement

Faithful Christian witness to the Gospel in an interfaith environment of Christians and Muslims that respects the spirit of good neighbourliness and Christian constructive engagement with Muslims for peace and peaceful coexistence.

Overall Goal

To see an African continent where Christians and Muslims uphold the principles of religious freedom and all that it entails; constructively relate to promote peace in the society and peaceful coexistence between Christian and Muslim communities; jointly respond to environmental challenges.


The Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA), a Pan-African Christian organization dedicated to promoting peace, peaceful coexistence and constructive relations between


In a continent where conflicts often seem to make and dominate headlines, the role of peacebuilding initiatives cannot be overstated. More often than not, most of such conflicts implicate


Africa is one of the continents that has long been known to be very patriarchal. The Programme for Christian-Muslin Relations in Africa (PROCMURA) strongly advocates rewriting this narrative and


The Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA) held its 18th General Council at the Milele Beach Hotel of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa from 6th – 13th April, 2024.


The 18th General Council of PROCMURA (Report - KTN News)

The 18th General Council of PROCMURA (Report - Citizen TV)

International Day of Peace (2023): The PROCMURA Media Campaign


Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA),
P.O. Box 66099 – 00800 Nairobi
Prof. Saitoti Avenue, Westlands,
Phone: +254 (020) 444 5181 / 445 1342,
Email: [email protected]

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