Empowerment of the Girl Child at ACK Mumias Diocese 5th June 2021
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Empowerment of the girl child is important to PROCMURA’s work, where peace is viewed from a holistic point of view. The state and welfare of the family, beginning with the plights of the girl child is given due consideration, under the PROCMURA Women and peace building programme.
As a follow up to the girl child programme which seeks to provide a platform for religious leaders (Churches and mosques) to stand together and advocate for the empowerment of the girl child, which we begun implementing across our constituencies in Africa, PROCMURA decided to spread its wings to the rural area in line with its grassroots focus. In line with this and at the invitation of the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) Diocese of Mumias, PROCMURA reached out to over one hundred (100) girls from the rural community. Led by the Team Leader-Finance and Administration Ms. Joy Wandabwa the PROCMURA team interacted with the girls. Ms Wandabwa took the girls through a one-day training session on the 5th of June 2021 and engaged them in identifying issues that are of primary and specific concern to girls, and the challenges girls face in their day to day lives. The girls mentioned among others, poverty which leads to lack of payment of school fees, irregular school attendance due to lack of sanitary towels, and early teenage pregnancy. Ms. Wandabwa after providing an analysis of what needs to be done, encouraged the girls to be resilient and not give up.
PROCMURA's Team Leader - Finance and Administration Ms. Joy Wandabwa addressing the girls.
The Programme Officer Rev. Dr. Salli Effungani and the youth coordinator Ms. Winnie Metto engaged the girls in spirited team building sessions with songs and dance and congratulated the girls for making effort to perform well and stay in school amidst the numerous challenges they face. Dr. Salli urged the girls to be role models to other girls in the community. She challenged them to stay focused and avoid any behaviors that would bring them harm because they have a bright future.
Rev. Dr. Salli Effungani teaching the girls a song.
The challenges of lack of sanitary towels presented by the girls was immediately addressed by PROCMURA. The General Advisor Rev. Dr. Komi Adrake, officially donated the KIKE heath kits to the girls. The Kit has a set of hygienic accessories; beautiful locally made reusable sanitary towels, underpants, washing soap, facemasks and sanitary disposable bags.
Rev. Dr. ADRAKE presents KIKE Health Kits to the girls.
In his address, Dr Adrake encouraged the girls to be hardworking and to always avoid scenarios that will bring regrets to them. He urged them to be well disciplined and work towards realising their full potentials in life. The health kit is geared towards addressing girls’ menstrual issues and ensuring that girls do not stay out of school because they lack this essential item.
A cross section of the girls display the Kike Health Kits.
The girls were happy and motivated by the empowering sessions. One of the girls Ms Maureen gave a vote of thanks and commended PROCMURA for the donations stating that, girls felt very inspired and encouraged and that, the KIKE health kit will enable most of them to attend school throughout as they had found a sustainable sanitary solution because The Kike Health Kit will serve each girl for a period of up to two years.
Ms. Maureen giving a vote of thanks.