FREEDOM OF RELIGION OR BELIEF (FORB) FOR ALL: East and Southern Africa Regional Training of Trainers (TOT) Workshop on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FORB)
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The Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA), continues to embark on its journey of equipping communities and more especially religious leaders among other stakeholders on religious freedom. Religious Leaders are well known to play important roles in raising awareness and influencing attitudes, behaviours, and practices that shape the social values of communities of faith and the general society.
Consequently, equipping them with knowledge and skills on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FORB) is key and fundamental in PROCMURA’s quest to promote FORB for all across the continent.
Religious leaders are more often than not respected personalities in their communities. Priests, pastors, imams, sheikhs and other leaders within faith-based communities play influential roles in shaping attitudes, opinions and behaviours because their members and the general community have trust in them. Both community members and political leaders as well as all and sundry listen to the voices of the religious leaders. PROCMURA as a faith-based organization, therefore, deems it important and appropriate to empower and build the capacity of religious leaders of men, women, and youth to be prime promoters of FORB in line with its stated overall goal – “to see an African continent where Christians and Mus-lims uphold the principles of religious freedom and all that it entails”.
Some parts of the African continent where PROCMURA has been working and operating in for over the past sixty years of its existence continue to experience violent conflicts some of which are precipitated by violations of Freedom of religion or belief as embodied in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of the United Nations.
Rev. Dr. Adrake Komi; General Adviser of PROCMURA
PROCMURA is concerned about the peace and peaceful -existence between Christians and Muslims and remains indifferent to any phenomenon that will jeopardize the peace and development of the continent. Freedom of religion as well known by those associated with PROCMURA, falls within its stated goal of seeing “An African Continent where Christians and Muslims uphold the principles of religious freedom and all that it entails”.
Remaining committed to this goal, PROCMURA has over the past four years, organised Progammes on Freedom of Religion or Belief at the continental, regional, and country levels. The East and Southern Africa Regional Training of Trainers (ToT) on FORB is the latest of such programmes. The TOT took place from the 14th - 17th of August 2022 in Kampala, Uganda. The training brought together 46 participants made up of religious leaders, women, youth, legal practitioners, and the media from Five (5) East and Southern African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Tanzania.
Rt. Rev. Fr. Mbonabingi; Bishop of the Orthodox Church and G.S UJCC
The FORB training was officially opened by Rt. Rev. Fr. Archemenrite Constantine Mbonabingi, General Secretary of the Uganda Joint Christian Council (UJCC) and also the Chairperson of the PROCMURA Area Committee in Uganda.
The chief guest of the training programme, the second deputy Mufti of Uganda Sheikh Muhamad Ali Waiswa in his speech expressed his gratitude to PROCMURA for selecting Uganda to host this very important training for religious leaders for the East and southern Africa region. He made it clear to the gathering that Uganda, as country, has over the years worked for peace and peaceful coexistence between Christians and Muslims and that the country has a rich history of religion and culture which mingles across the country and this has in large measure helped to unify its people. He commended PROCMURA’s efforts as a Christian organisation that has continued to build bridges and good relations between Christians and Muslims across the continent of Africa and making remarkable positive contributions in promoting freedom of religion for all.
The Team Leader - Finance and Administration of PROCMURA, Ms. Joy Wandabwa, in her presentation of the rationale of the FORB training, stressed on the importance of knowledge and understanding of the concept of FORB. The Knowledge and practice of FORB will contribute to the peace and development, that Africa so desires. This will also contribute to achieving the African Union Agenda 2063 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Ms. Joy Wandabwa; PROCMURA's Team Leader
Various training models on FORB were outlined by different facilitators and experts expounding on a number of issues such as, an introduction to FORB, Identification of FORB violations, FORB as a human right, FORB from Christian and Muslim perspectives, FORB and women, and skills in promoting FORB among others.
Participants were able to share and make sound contributions on their understanding on some of the FORB limitations that were presented, especially when manifestations of religions and beliefs turn to disturb public order, safety, and morals and also when the manifestations infringe on the rights of others.
PROCMURA’s consultant; Rev. Dr. Johnson Mbillah outlined the Christian faith perspective on FORB. The major concern is for Christians to understand FORB from their faith perspective and not in spite of their faith perspective. There are intra-Christian and inter-Christian and Muslim violations that affect freedom of religion negatively, Dr. Mbillah noted.
Sheik Ahmed Seth who is the Chairperson of the Isiolo Interfaith Council in Kenya, led the discussions on FORB from a Quranic perspective, where he underscored the fact that Islam recognizes and respects the presence of other religions. Participants engaged the various facilitators and also participated in practical activities.
Rev. Dr. Salli Effungani; PROCMURA's Programme Officer facilitating an activity session.
The workshop ended with a closing ceremony which saw participants present their country action plans with clear strategies on how to promote FORB in their respective countries. Participants also issued a communique stipulating their commitments to the promotion of FORB. A certificate of participation was issued to every participant. The training ended with participants reciting some phrases such as; FORB protects people and not religions or beliefs.
Follow this link to read the communique.