PROCMURA’s Journey in Promoting FORB in Africa: The Francophone West Africa Regional Training of Trainers (TOT) Workshop on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB)
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PROCMURA as a movement that recognises that Africa as religiously plural continent, and its people therefore religious people, works to ensure that people from the various religious affiliations live together and coexist peacefully for peace and development to be realized in this great continent.
This quest for peace and peaceful co-existence is needed more now since some countries in Africa have continually experienced religiously instigated or related tensions, coming in various forms and degrees of intensity. In some cases, lives and properties have been lost. Basic human rights including FoRB, are violated and in other instances met with arguments of cultural relativism and erroneous assertions that FoRB is a Western or foreign construct.
It is in this light that PROCMURA carries out programmes to fulfil its vision of an African content where freedom of religion and all that it entails becomes the norm, not an exception. To fulfil this mandate, PROCMURA continues to carry out country-focused and regional workshops and training on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) to build the capacity of various stakeholders to not only protect but also promote FoRB across Africa.
Ms. Joy Wandabwa the Team-Leader Finance and administration of PROCMURA vividly explained this when she elaborated on the rationale of a PROCMURA Francophone West Africa Regional Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop on Freedom of religion or Belief (FoRB held in Lome, Togo, from 8-11th May 2022.
Ms. Joy Wandabwa; Team Leader - Finance and Administration, presenting the rationale of the training.
The workshop brought together stakeholders including Christian and Muslim religious leaders, women, youth, government representatives, traditional authorities, and the media from Togo, Benin, Guinea, Burkina Faso and Senegal to build their capacity in championing and promoting FoRB across the region.
The FoRB training began with a heartfelt welcome by the chairperson of the PROCMURA Area committee in Togo, Rev. KADESSOLE Kpatcha. He expressed gratitude to the participants for accepting to participate in the FoRB training and also to PROCMURA for choosing Togo to host the event. He noted that FoRB violations are a reality across the continent and stressed the fact that, there are also FoRB violations within the same religion, where people are discriminated against because of their Christian denominations or Muslim groups among other violations. He assured participants of their safety, and good stay in Lome, Togo.
Rev. KADESSOLE Kpatcha; Chairperson, PROCMURA Area Committee, Togo, making his contribution.
The first Vice-Chairperson of PROCMURA, Rev. Prof Alagbada Nicodeme, the General Adviser and the Team-Leader finance and administration, took turns to express their gratitude to the PROCMURA Area Committee of Togo for hosting the FoRB training and called on all participants to be active and fully participate in all group discussions and assignments. Everyone has the right to express their opinions but should do so in respect of one another. The training was then opened for presentations and reactions.
Rev. Prof. Alagbada Nicodeme; the Vice Chairperson of PROCMURA, Rev. Dr. Adrake Komi, the General Adviser of PROCMURA and Ms. Joy Wandabwa, Team Leader - Finance and Administration of PROCMURA.
The 25 participants were taken through various FoRB modules in a bid to enable them gain knowledge, build skills in promoting FoRB, and right attitude towards FoRB. Thematic areas that were discussed included among others, an introduction to FoRB and an elaboration on FoRB as a human right, FoRB from a faith perspective; biblical and qur’anic justification for FoRB, women in the development of FoRB and skills in the promotion of FoRB.
The first session was to help ascertain participant’s prior knowledge of FoRB before the actual introduction of FoRB. It is interesting to note that there were some misconceptions about FoRB, where some participants thought that FoRB was a western concept that cannot be contextualized, and others felt that FoRB is against religious practices and religious people.
Participants in action in one of the sessions.
These misconceptions among others were clarified during the introduction to FoRB session, where FoRB was introduced as a human right. FoRB does not protect religion or belief systems but FoRB protects human beings. Participants expressed satisfaction as they understood the concept especially the discussion on the limitations of FoRB, and that FoRB does not prevent missionary religions from preaching the Gospel and from Muslim dawah.
Rev. Dr. Salli Effungani; the Programme Officer of PROCMURA introducing FoRB to the participants.
Other training sessions included thematic areas on faith perspective on FoRB, where both the Islamic and Christian perspectives were discussed. The sessions brought Christians and Muslims to the realization that their religions actually respect freedom of religion and therefore no one should be killed or marginalized because of their religious affiliations.
El hadj Yaya Houssein from Togo presenting on the qur'anic perspective to FoRB.
Rev. Dr. Johnson Mbillah presenting a Christian perspective to FoRB.
Participants were also trained on the legal perspective of FoRB, skills in promoting FoRB, and FoRB and women. FoRB as a human right was discussed and participants were called upon to protect this important human right. Participants were also drilled on how to employ various mechanisms to promote FoRB for all. The issue of women’s rights in religion and religious experiences was discussed.
Prof. Kuakuvi Kodjo Ahlin from Togo presenting the legal perspective on FoRB.
The General Adviser presenting on the skills in promoting FoRB
Toure-COUBADJA from Togo Muslim Counsel presenting on FoRB and women.
Participants had the opportunity to share situational/country analysis on FoRB. Their contributions generally indicated clearly that there is a dire need for increased awareness of FoRB. Various interactive sessions saw participants engaging in case study analysis, storytelling and group work.
Rev. Andre Outtara presenting the situational analysis of Senegal
Mrs. Dr. COMPAORE Marie-Louise; member of PROCMURA's Executive Committee, facilitating group discussions.
A group analyzing a case study to identify FoRB violations.
The workshop ended on a very high note with participants developing action plans on being agents of upholding and promoting the Freedom of Religion or Belief in their respective countries and localities. Participants also issued a statement of commitment to the promotion of FoRB.
The importance of FoRB for Africa comes in PROCMURA’s stated view that for the African Union Agenda 2063 which has the catch phrase ‘THE AFRICA WE WANT’ can only be fully realised when religion-related tensions and conflicts witnessed around the continent of which violations of FORB as PROCMURA understands it dealt with appropriately through education. To do this effectively will enable Africa to achieve its strategic objective “An integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its citizens and representing a dynamic force in the international arena.”
Click here to read the communique.