In Memory of Mr. Paul Sai, a dedicated Servant of PROCMURA’s Francophone West Africa Region
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It is with deep sorrow and profound sadness that we accept the passing on of Mr. Paul Sai one of PROCMURA’s pioneer's grassroot workers. Paul Sai as the PROCMURA family fondly called him, Joined PROCMURA in his youthful years having served as the youth General Secretary of the Methodist Church in Benin.
Mr. Sai's journey with PROCMURA started in 1970 when the organization was operating as Islam in Africa Project (AIP). He was later trained on Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations at The Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations (ICMR) at the Selly Oak Colleges in Birmingham, England, courtesy of PROCMURA, before being appointed Francophone West Africa Development Officer in 1989, and later as Regional Coordinate for the same region.
As one connected to PROCMURA very early, Paul had the opportunity to work with a number of the organisation’s General Advisers including Rev. John Crossley, Dr. Hans Haafken, Stuart Brown and Johnson Mbillah to promote Christian-Muslim Relations in the continent. Paul Sai was instrumental in forming and establishing other PROCMURA Area committees in the Francophone West Africa Region. His leadership style played a pivotal role in shaping PROCMURA's work in the region, leaving a lasting legacy that will continue to inspire generations.
On the continental decision-making level, Paul served on the PROCMURA Executive Committee and had a lot of passion towards PROCMURA’s vision of Promoting peace and peaceful coexistence in Africa by fostering unity and understanding among Christians and Muslims and thereby significantly contributing towards the peaceful coexistence of the two major religions in Africa.
During his time with PROCMURA, Mr. Sai demonstrated exemplary dedication to the values of peace, tolerance, and Christian-Muslim relations. His contributions profoundly impacted the organization's mission to build bridges of understanding and collaboration among people of different faiths, with a key focus on Christians and Muslims, in pursuit of sustainable development in the region. His unwavering commitment to PROCMURA's work in the region and in his home country of Benin has left an enduring impact within the organization.
We extend our deepest condolences to Mr. Sai's family. More significant to his wife, Mrs Christine Sai, who worked with Paul side by side on PROCMURA Women issues in Christian-Muslim Relations over the years, and also his children, friends, and colleagues. May his soul rest in eternal peace, and may his legacy continue shining as a beacon of hope for a harmonious and peaceful future in Francophone West Africa, Benin and beyond.
We, the PROCMURA family, will continue to honour Mr. Paul Sai's memory by carrying on with the important work he began and watering the seeds he planted in the francophone region, striving to achieve peace, unity and collaboration between Christians and Muslims in Africa for sustainable development.