PROCMURA Initiates the First Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) International Conference
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A group photo of participants.
The Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA), in partnership with the Danish Mission Council Development Department (DMCDD), held the first ever international conference on FoRB in Nairobi, Kenya, from 1-4th July, 2019. The conference brought together more than 43 delegates from 17 countries across Africa.
PROCMURA's former General Adviser and now the organisation's consultant Rev. Dr. Johnson Mbillah making his presentation during the FoRB ToT conference.
The Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA) in line with her overall goal which stresses the importance of religious freedom and all that it entails, organised a 3 days international training of trainers for PROCMURA’s constituencies and technical staff from seventeen (17) African countries on FoRB in partnership with the Danish Mission Council Development Department (DMCDD). The training content addressed the following topics: introduction to FoRB, FoRB as a human right, FoRB in theological perspectives, how to identify FoRB Violations, skills in promoting FoRB, Christian-Muslim relations and FoRB, Case studies and experience sharing.
Participants, drawn from various PROCMURA's constituencies across the continent, getting ready for a session during the first FoRB ToT conference in Nairobi, Kenya.
It was educative and amazing to listen to the diverse views of the participants, questioning the extent to which religion or belief system can be free or limited. It was also interesting to note that some of the participants have been involved in promoting FoRB in their different context in order to ensure peace and peaceful co-existence. The theory of religious exclusivism was indirectly re-echoed as some participants questioned the authenticity and salvation of some belief systems such as atheism, humanist among others. The training build skills, provided knowledge and influence positive attitude towards FoRB. After participating in numerous activities, participants at the end unanimously agreed that FoRB is an aspect of human right, and it is the responsibility of everyone to promote FoRB.