Conflict Prevention, Management, Peace Building and Reconciliation
- Programmes Focus
- Affichages : 7797
Christian and Muslim religious leaders promoting peace in Nairobi, Kenya.
The Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA) believes that peace and development go hand in hand. In fact it holds the view that ‘peace and development are twins and that there can be no peace in the right sense of the word if there is no environmentally friendly development. The programme builds the capacity of religious leaders, women and youth on conflict prevention/management, peace building and reconciliation.
PROCMURA in this programme addresses conflicts with religious colourings. We take into cognizance the fact that most of the conflicts have various root causes despite the fact that the manifestations have been clothed in religion. The Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa uses the same problematic religious clothing as a strategic religious mechanism to build mutual religious understanding and trust which in a long term becomes a significant strategy in resolving different kinds of conflicts and restoring communities.